14 November, 2015

Hard To Be Humane?

We treat others differently
When we are a privileged few
 Is it hard to do unto others
As you would want done to you?

Are we so color blind
That we see only black and white?
Does our easel have no space for grey?
That we see only wrong or right

Are we so mistrusting to lock
The doors of our heart and mind?
Let cobwebs draw blinds on our eyes
No wonder friendship is so hard to find

Fortune favors the bold
But Fortune is in love with the rich
Can we be so bold to include
Those that are less fortunate?

We once held their finger
To walk the big wide world
Does it not ache us then
To visit them at an old age home?

What a luxury
To switch from one cell-phone to another
Is it not easier to choose comfort over luxury?
To walk across, ring the bell and say hello!

When did life get so complicated?
We gave up sugar only to dream of doughnut
Why not just let loose and not worry
Pop a doughnut and loose the fuss!

Why fight and quibble
When life is so short
Why let bad blood flow
Only to spend years apart?

Let a kind word
A soothing touch
An effortless smile
Soothe a burning grudge

We have but one life
Unless you’re a cat with nine!
Why not try and share this precious life
Instead of fighting over what is yours and what is mine.